
作者: 2019-06-19 09:24 来源:
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  1.GeoInformatics: building on the foundations for open data sharing and interoperability in the Earth Sciences to  support the next generation of data-driven geoscience discovery

  2.Data sharing from policy to practice–moving beyond national to global

  3.Key approaches and datasets for supporting natural disaster monitoring and effect evaluation

  4.Building a global network infrastructure for international cooperation on data-intensive science

  5.Data Centers from Around the World: Sharing Best Practices for FAIR Data

  6.Data for a sustainable driven urban tourism development

  7.FAIR Digital Objects–Implementing FAIR Principles

  8.Oceanographic data and information management, data quality control and product development

  9.Big Data Integration for Environmental Analysis in Pan-Third Pole

  10.Next-generation data assemblages for enhanced citizen participation in sustainable development

  11.Interactive cloud infrastructures for multi-disciplinary research

  12.Precision Medicine Knowledge Base

  13.Big Scientific Data Management

  14.Innovative Designs for Extensive Data Infrastructures, Analysis and Information

  15.The GO FAIR Implementation Matrix: Maximising the Reuse of Existing FAIR Resources

  16.Materials Data Platforms for Engineering

  17.Data-driven practices in support of the United Nation’s SDG11, 15

  18.How to effectively manage controlled-access of data

  19.Building resilience on food security and nutrition through Open Data

  20.The Digital Representation of Units of Measure: Challenges and Opportunities for Data Integration

  21.The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: Data Driven Inclusive Innovation-Role of Marginalized Groups.

  22.The evidentiary time lag in introducing data intensive technologies in clinical practice

  23.Expert views on evaluating data sharing efforts and practices: an international dialogue fostered by an interest group of the research data alliance.

  24.FAIR and Open data policies

  25.Metrics for Assessing the Use, Impact, and Value of Scientific Data

  26.Research Service based on the Integration of Open Data and Scientific Literature

  27.The Key Role of the Scientific Unions in Enabling Transdisciplinary Data-intensive Science in support of Global Challenges

  28.Institutional Research Data Management: fostering data sharing practices among communities and institutions

  29.Data Driven Cities meeting Global Challenges

  30.Coordinating Global Open Science Commons Initiatives

  31.FAIR and Open Data policies in Asia and the Pacific Region: Issues, Challenges and Way Forward.

  32.Tackling Complexity: FAIR data for interdisciplinary research and global challenges

  33.General Submissions
