
论文题目 作者 发表年度
GPU集群下第一原理非局部映射势能计算 付継芸,贾伟乐,曹宗雁,王龙,叶煌,迟学斌 2014
基于SVM的科研视频鸟类形态分类与识别研究 熊妍、陈灿、闫保平 2014
基于SCCChen的分子表面显示实现及应用*(Implementation and Application of SCChem) 刘倩、底杏杏、张宝花、金钟 2014
基于命名管道和完成端口的IPC设计与实现(desigen and implementation of Inter-process Communication based on Named Pipe and i/0 completion port) 杨帆,李新 2014
基于Flex和JPDL的工作流编辑器的设计与实现(desigen and implementation of workflow editor based on flex and jpdl) 杨帆,李新 2014
An openflow-based dynamic path adjustment Algorithm for multicast spanning trees 葛敬国、申罕骥、鄂跃鹏、吴玉磊、游军玲 2014
Performance Analysis of Load-Aware Anycasting based on openflow 葛敬国、杜川、吴玉磊、鄂跃鹏、游军玲 2014
《基于时空因素聚类算法的研究与应用》 闫双舰、罗泽、闫保平 2014
《基于科研在线文档库平台的标签推荐系统》 蔡芳、沈一、南凯 2014
An Effective Approach to Alleviating the Challenges of Transmission Control Protocol 王国栋、任勇毛、李俊 2014
AppTCP: The Design and Evaluation of Application - based TCP for e-VLBI in Fast Long Distance Networks 王国栋、吴玉磊、豆柯、任勇毛、李俊 2014
study on learning resources recommendation based on tasks in team collaboration 宫林,张潇丹 2014
Study of the game theory analysis and incentive mecheanism of inter-organizational knowledge sharing in cooperative r&d 宫林,张潇丹 2014
RESEAR ON individuation task allocating based on team collaboration 宫林,张潇丹,张子健 肖羽 2014
高才闫超 张自力 Andrew Adamazky、邓勇 2014
最优路径环游问题 闫超、于建军、南凯 2014
Heterogeneous Metric Learning with Content-based Regularization for Software Artifact Retrieval wu liang、 jianhuili、Yuanchun Zhou 2014
入侵检测系统报警日志聚合分析 龙春、申罕骥、李俊、鲍天龙 2014
一种适用于RPk大规模部署的高效数据管理架构 王翠翠、延志伟、胡安磊 2014
基于微博数据的热点事件前识别模型 诸彤宇,于建军 2014